Is asking for mercy a political statement?

It is fascinating how individuals can watch or listen to the same thing and yet have very different interpretations. I posted a video on Facebook and Instagram. If you get the chance, check it out. (I am never on Facebook, but I knew if I posted something like that, the responses would be very different, which proved true). I must say I am not shocked; however, I am saddened.

If you haven’t heard, Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, delivered the sermon at the Inaugural prayer service and directed a plea for mercy to those considered marginalized and oppressed. Many were moved by her asking the President to show mercy; others thought she was disrespectful and even mean-spirited. In conversation with some well-meaning people, the issue was one particular people group. The response warranted some to say the Bishop brought politics into the church. I found it interesting since some of those same people have no issue when it pertains to being pro-life, which, of course, is a political issue.

I am reminded of a couple of scriptures: Matthew 5:7 (Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy), I am sure most of you are familiar with the Sermon on the Mount. The next verse is found in Luke 4:15-30. A good friend of mine pointed this out to me regarding this scripture text:

‘Jesus' announcement of good news to the poor and marginalized was repeatedly understood by his hearers to have political implications. Some heard him correctly, others misunderstood the message of liberation, and yet others (religious leaders and power brokers) recognized the threat of such a message. But, all of these groups acted as though Jesus' words had political implications. And that "political" message was what ultimately got him killed.’

Here we are, as a country, having the same reaction. I ask these questions: was the Bishop being political in her remarks? Is the gospel message, the good news, laced with political rhetoric? These are great questions to consider and have an honest dialogue about. And if the outcome is ‘agree to disagree’, then so be it—no reason to disparage or look down on anyone with differing opinions or perspectives.

In another conversation with my supervisor, we discussed this issue. I asked him, ‘Am I on the right track to suggest that "personal morality" or a personal conviction should never supersede the command to love one's neighbor?’ His response was excellent, and I used it in my video. He said: ‘the high point of personal morality is the mercy and grace of Christ.’ He is right. Our witness as Christ followers to the world is showing mercy to those who aren’t like us or think like us. It’s not making sure that I am right, and you are wrong. Jesus gathered people around him who weren’t like him at all: you and me.

The Kingdom Jesus established does not need the right political party, strong political victories, strong law enforcement, constitutionally protected rights, strong military strength, or a strong economy to prosper. The Kingdom of Jesus looks like Matthew 5:3-10. It is impossible to live those distinctives on willpower or good intentions, we need the Holy Spirit to empower us in his mercy and grace.


Bill PREVETTE - January 24th, 2025 at 10:53am

Thanks Bill for making this post. Over the last several weeks I have been listening to a podcast on Home-brewed Christianity. The podcast has been about the life and times of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. If Christianity isn’t political then what is it?

nI wish more people had to read and grapple with Bonhoeffer’s “letters and papers from prison” written, and the last two years of his life as he struggled mightily with the state of Christianity in Germany. His writings on religionless are very very appropriate for what we’re looking at today. Keep up the good work.

Sarah - February 3rd, 2025 at 8:14am

PB - Thank you for sharing all that you are sharing with such love and grace. I feel like Jesus corrected those who only focused on what they considered the black and white letter of the law. He wants us to be after His heart, which (lucky for us) is merciful and gracious. Sharing our conviction is important but should be done with grace out of a place of love. Grateful for you and all who are doing that!